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? new computer

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wendilla | 15:05 Thu 08th Sep 2011 | Technology
32 Answers
Just got new computer.Do I have to uninstall my broadband and security on this one before I set it up then reinstall the disks on the new one .Thanks.


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I pay for Norton, when I got my new PC earlier this year I IM'd them and they transferred my Norton software for the remaining months I'd already paid for.
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yes craft I understand what you are saying but mine is paid monthly and I have the disc to install it.
Just get it set up!

You don't need to uninstall anything.
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Yes That is what I will do Thanks
Yay! Let us know how you get on.
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will do but wont get it done till tomorrow or Sat
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I will let you know on this thread over the weekend by the way hope you didnt lump any more of your gravy HC
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Just to let you know broadband was searching and nothing happening. Rang Tesco. My modem is not compatible with windows 7 so they are sending one out asp.
Most ISP's now send out a Router .. as a general replacement for the old USB modem. Good things are ...
Wireless available for laptops, phones, other machines etc
Less problems on PC due to USB errors or over-loading of ports
More reliable connection.
TBH, you could plug in and connect just about ANY router (Linkx, Belkin, etc) without any of that software installation from disc molake .. and with the figures and details entered, it would work fine. However, if you are not confident, just wait for the router and install disc.
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Yes thanks for reply .It is desk top computer I have. Yes not confident enough I am still on my old one so will wait for modem to arrive.
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never rains but it pours.I checked with tesco this morning and now been told they dont do security for Windows 7 .I have both broadband and security with them so I will have to unsubscribe my security from them when they send me my new modem..You learn something every day especially when you don't know an awful lot .

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