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sinderella | 17:15 Mon 12th Sep 2011 | Technology
4 Answers
when my pc goes in to sleep mode the only way to wake it up is by pushing the main power button.before i only had to touch the mouse or any button and it would spring to life.any tips please?


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Check the Power options in the control panel.
Have a look at Power Options .. It's to be found off Control Panel.
There are various settings there what you wish to be done by what button and after what time, etc. Actions when you press power button, etc.

7 ..

XP ..
Ah .. The other thing is that in the BIOS settings, one can select the PC to automatically start up, when a keyboard 'event' was recorded. You have to look through BIOS to find the 'wake on event' setting. Change it, save and exit and restart. Some PC blue screens or auto-reboot errors 'may' load the 'optimal default' or 'default' BIOS settings after these errors, so will need setting back again.
Is the mouse corded to the PS2 (round mouse) connector? And the keyboard to the keyboard connector?
Question Author
always have used a cordless keyboard and mouse
adjusted time in power options

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