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DVDR 610 software

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SAH | 10:19 Sun 17th Apr 2005 | Technology
2 Answers
I'm trying to download the latest software from the Philips website for my DVD Recorder model DVDR610. The instructions say that once you have downloaded the file, that you have to use Zipfile to extract them (I can unzip the file, so I assume I have this programme already) and then use NERO to burn them onto a CD-R or CD-RW. I've tried this but everytime I try to load the disc onto my DVD Recorder it says it can't read the file. I've even copied the files onto a DVD+RW but it still doesn't work. Can anyone help me please?


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yea think u have yor nero settings for uk pal u need dvd settings set for ntsc ,i had same prob,daft innit?the setting is on yor drop down video box
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Thanks dave m, where do I find the drop down video box though?

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