Im looking for a "survival" mobile phone - what i mean is, a phone thats unlikley to crash or break, specially the screen, if i drop it - but also includes an inbuilt mapping system of the UK along with GPS - but NO other internet services, no facebook youtube blah blah blah - ie, ya get lost, youve a chance of figuring where you are.
highest priority has to be a light - i mean a proper light - i have a K750i and the light on this phone is the best ive found
the reason i want something like this is a) to see if it exists! and b) because i was a phone thats actually useful - i like exploring, and maps would be useful if i got lost - a light is useful for everything, walking in a forest at night, dark streets etc
i had an ipod touch and ive seen peoples iphones - the battery dies quick and the screens are so easily suseptable to accidential damage, which reminds me, my survival phone would have BUTTONS i hate that touch screen crap!