You don't need any additional software .
Download the Scangear CS file to your PC, either by using my original link
or from the one at the top I've provided at the top of this thread.
Double-click on the file which you've downloaded.
Now look for a folder which has the same name as the downloaded file (but without the .exe on the end of the file name). Unless you've selected an alternative destination it will be in the same place as the original download.
Double click on that folder. You'll see that it contains a ReadMe file and a program called SetupSG.
Double-click on SetupSG to run the driver installation program.
Restart your PC.
You'll then be able to import a scan from any program which uses TWAIN drivers (e.g. most image processing software, such as Photoshop or Irfanview). Note that you'll need to open the appropriate program first, then go to File > Acquire, in order to import your scanned image. (That's the way which I do things).
If you want a greater degree of automation in the process you'll also need to install the CanoScan Toolbox. (Either use the link in my original post or, if you experience problems, ask me to upload it to SendSpace or somewhere similar). The process will be similar to that used for installing the driver.