Why not emails? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Why not emails?

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woodelf | 12:17 Sat 17th Dec 2011 | Technology
10 Answers
I can copy and paste/transfer documents, etc from my Windows Explorer 'personal' directory to a memory stick, but why can't I do the same with emails in my in-box to a memory stick...unless I'm missing something? Ta Muchly.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Unsure what you are trying to do. E-mails in an inbox form part of a larger data file. If you turn off your e-mail client and copy the data file over, you can do that. But individual e-mails are not individual files so no, you can't just drag them anywhere to copy/move them. Most e-mail clients have some kind of export / back-up feature though. Try looking through the menus to see what yours offers.
If I want to keep an email I use copy and paste to copy the text from an email into a Word Document or Notepad document.

I then save the Word or Notepad document as a file that can be backed up like any other file.
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Many Thanks OG!...I have some very important emails I wish to keep safe and I thought an external device such as a memory stick would be the answer, in case owt happens to my pc, but I'll look into your export/back up thingy...smile.
In Windows Live Mail ..Win 7......fully open the email and top left is an icon to save the email as a file to wherever you wish...neat.

You don't however say which email client you are using?
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Yes vhg, I may very well have to do as you do. Commoner, I use Outlook Express 6.
Just save as normal in other programs as an .eml file to wherever you want.
There is always a more professional approach if it's really important ......use software maybe like this...30 day trial.

That would be nice ... if he actually used Outlook.
...mmm...ehem!...sorry Al...my mistake there....maybe this would do it then ;-)

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Many Thanks Guys, but I think the easiest way for me is to open the emails, select all then copy and paste to my doc directory...laborious it may be, but at least I know they'll be there and can then copy to memory stick...Ta once again though!

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