I had my laptop up for sale on EBay and had advertised it using some of the specs I found the details by searching on google and whatever I could find about it, bearing in mind that I know very little about the specifications, as I use the laptop without really knowing much about it's workings. Anyway the buyer has come back to me and said
"It only has 1GB of Ram, 160GB HDD & a Sempron 2.1GHz processor
You advertised 3GB RAM, Dual Core 2.2 Processir & 250GB hard drive."
I really don't want to go through selling it again if poss do you think that I should offer to refund some of the money - or just take it back and refund the whole amount? How much actual diffrence is there between the specifications? Oh to know more about computers!!! Thanks for any help.
well i know little too, however common sense tells me that at least 2 of those specs are half of what you advertised. I would refund and expect bad feedback
apologise to the purchaser, explain what you've explained above. offer them either a partial refund or full refund and have the laptop back. you'll have to pay the return postage i'm afraid, as well as a full refund to purchaser. but technically, you advertised it as a much better laptop than the purchaser ended up with. i'm sure if you explain the situation to them and offer the above they'll let you know how they'd rather proceed.....