iPhone on Silent in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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iPhone on Silent

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Antz-91 | 17:17 Tue 08th May 2012 | How it Works
3 Answers
Having trouble putting my iPhone on silent! I move the switch on the side so it comes up with the bell with a cross through it symbol but even though it is on silent the alarms still makes a noise! Is there anyway to get it completely on silent?

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Think that most phones, even when on silent, sounds when the alarm time is reached. Do you need the alarm set, cos by the sounds of it you don't as you are wanting to silence it! Disable the alarm!!!!
19:57 Tue 08th May 2012
Nope, not on an un-jail broken one at least.
Think that most phones, even when on silent, sounds when the alarm time is reached. Do you need the alarm set, cos by the sounds of it you don't as you are wanting to silence it! Disable the alarm!!!!
Turn the alarm off!

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iPhone on Silent

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