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Sennheiser headphones HD 408, now very low volumn

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Almendros | 08:50 Mon 13th Aug 2012 | Technology
6 Answers
I renewed a broken plug on my headphones which worked OK for a few weeks but now the volumn is very weak.It used to work on 25% of my amplifier control, it now needs 75%, therefore hardly audible on my laptop. I have looked at the plug again and the soldering looks good, could it be something wrong with the earth covering on the wires?


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I have just bought wireless headphones from Aldi`s for £24.99 and they are excellent.
It's pure a thought on my part that you have bad connections on the plug.

The soldering can look good but that doesn't mean a clean connection has been establish.

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OK thanks Ron I will have a look and just melt the solder a little. I asked because I didnt know if there was an obvious answer before I had another look.
I was a little difficult dealing with the earth covering so maybe that is not connected
Thanks Almendros for up-dating me on matters.

I am not a real Techie but read a lot of what is said in the Technology section of AB and endeavour to apply common sense to matters.(If indeed I have any)

The thought occurs to me that you need a means of establishing if there is a fault with your headphone's connections and the following article may be of some assistance.


Incidentally, I have a very old dial type multimeter and, having read the above clickable link, I have now ordered the following, which is quite cheap and is delivered free:-


Best of luck.....Ron.
Oops...The second link was meant to be:- User Recommendation

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Hi Ron, thanks for your answer, do have a manual multitester so I will try. I will try both things in a couple of days, I have a couple of relations viciting at the moment so my time is not my own.There is nothing wrong with the output of the music because some older earphones work on the quarter turn of the control as loud as you would want but the HD408 at this is hardly audible and need to go almost fully round. The sound is equal through both ears.
will let you know success or otherwise, Terry

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Sennheiser headphones HD 408, now very low volumn

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