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Difference between Samsung UE40 es5500 and UE40 eh5300

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kelfoan | 12:36 Sun 28th Oct 2012 | Technology
2 Answers
What's the difference between the two models in the title? the 5300 is about £50 cheaper than the 5500 yet I can't see why - they're both SMART TV's..
Thanks in anticipation


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ES has built-in WiFi. EH has ethernet socket only, so you'd need to spend extra dosh on a WiFi dongle.
16:53 Sun 28th Oct 2012
I don't know for sure, but I assume the two initials before the number mean something? Mabybe the ES is Extra Slim?
ES has built-in WiFi. EH has ethernet socket only, so you'd need to spend extra dosh on a WiFi dongle.

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