I want to cut out someones head and shoulders from a photo and save it.I have done it in the past but for the life of me I can't remember how I did it and what prog.I used. Thanking you in anticipation !!!
most graphics proggys will do it eg, photoshop, photoshop elements, corel, etc. if its a one off then you could just d/load the trial versions as these are all commercial programs
or you could use Paint.net which is totally free.
usual method is to make a selection and as you say copy and paste it into another picture.
If the background is a pretty much solid colour sometimes its easier to select that and invert the selection.
If the original photo has an acceptable background behind the head then just use the CROP tool to extract a suitable square containing the head and shoulders and then save it as a new photo into a suitable folder.
This will still leave the original photo as it was.
I would think that every graphics program has a CROP tool.
I'm using Print.Net.I don't want just a rectangular crop of the head and shoulders,I want a tracing around close up to the head.But when I save it I get a white background which I don't want. Thanks !