win.rar and azurues in The AnswerBank: Technology
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win.rar and azurues

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*mystical* | 20:39 Fri 17th Jun 2005 | Technology
4 Answers

hiya can anyone help me, i want to know a liitle info about winrars and how to extract files from them....or i thin its something like that..... lol someone told me to download a winrar called azurues and then get a tolerrent thing that will help me find/extract the file i actually need from it ..... or something like that....if that makes sense.....

thanx peeps

luv ya

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Well not sure what exactly you are trying to do... but if it trying to extract a file (or decompress) from a RAR archive then this is what you need.

Get the RAR archive program (get the free trial) and install it http://www.rarlab.com/

Double click on the file you want to decompress and it should fireup and give you your options.  If the file came in parts, they should/could look like this.



***.r02 etc.

In this case, you double click on the .rar portion to start the process

Luck ;)

Winrar is a compression/decompression utility: it makes large files smaller.

Azureus is a Bitorrent client: it enables you to download files that other people are sharing over the internet. To find torrents, you need to go to a site that lists them. (Google search for suitable sites). As most of the content being shared is copyrighted files, such sharing is illegal and so torrent sites come and go. Some require registration (which seems a particularly dumb move to me). Some people like to compress larger files using Winrar to make the download process shorter for others.

In addition ensure you run a Virus Check on the zip/rar BEFORE you decompress and run it.


P2P and BT is well known for some dodgey files.

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thanx guys, very helpful!!!!!

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