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Superfast fibre broadband

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Coldicote | 16:14 Wed 21st Nov 2012 | Technology
31 Answers
There's a campaign on where I live persuading people to support a petition to make superfast fibre broadband available. I've heard that it's good but will it effect the EE (previously Orange) broadband I already have? I'm hesitating because I don't want to find myself having to sort out unexpected consequences. How has the change to super-fast broadband affected others please?


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''will it effect the EE (previously Orange) broadband I already have?''

Whatever your current speed with Orange, currently they are in the process of doubling it for all customers for free.
Its a bit strange, my friend just pays for ordinary BT broadband, and gets 38MB download. They keep phoning and writing to him asking if He would like superfast infinity. as far as I am concerned, compare to my !.9MB download speed, He already has superfast!!!!
^ Ooops that is wrong... getting my Oranges and Virgins mixed up.
OMG I only get 1.8
Sorry Coldicole for butting in but thanks for the answers given
sibton, that's good, that's similar to what we now get.
Chuck notes that "the ADSL equipment that's normally located in the exchange (the DSLAM) is moved to the local street boxes" - not the existing boxes, which aren't big enough to take the new equipment, but a new breed of much larger roadside boxes...
Thanks, boxy I wasn't sure. BT upgraded is remotely, while I sat in all day waiting for the engineer to appear!
really no different from the large cabs the cable companies install, although some part of London, the high classed bit, told BT they didn't want great big cabs, could they put them underground? BT said "NO" so the council said " sod off" so no BT superfast broadband in that area, only cable, (like virgin), who put theirs underground for them!!!
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Many thanks for all these interesting answers. I've never really understood how it is that users pay different providers when it all comes through the same system. I have EE broadband (previously Orange) while others have have BT. Similar thoughts apply to electricity, where it may be cheaper to get it from one supplier than another.

ping. the time taken to receive a response from a defined simple message sent was just 0.02 seconds

download. data is sent from somewhere in the internet to you at a rate of 9,890,000 bits per second.

upload. data is sent from you to somewhere in the internet at a rate of 1,030,000 bits per second.

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