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Crt Tv

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ossian | 21:22 Wed 12th Dec 2012 | Technology
4 Answers
My TV, a 21 year old Grundig is beginning to play up. O.K. I can hear you all say "Get rid of it and come into the 21 st. century". Well I probably will do that eventually. I am not sure that what is happening is terminal though, and it has a smashing picture. Every so often the picture disappears to be replaced with a horozontal whitish line across the middle of a blank screen screen. This line stays there for a few seconds, sometimes a few minutes, and then the picture reappears. It happens at random, sometimes once a night or sometimes two. Is this effect indicative of tube failure or some other electronic component? The sound is unaffected throughout which really isn't surprising. Please advise.



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This is know as Frame Collapse, it's usually a dry joint that needs re soldering or a capacity that needs changing, it's not a big job either way so ask for a estimate, we charge £35, inc call out. ( nothing up with the tube )
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Many thanks jrtv. I will mention this to our local Euronics store tomorrow. They are the only people in my immediate area who do in-house repairs.

Get rid of it and come into the 21 st. century
Oops, hang on, I've just remembered, our main TV is a monster of a CRT TV.

(Mind you, I wouldn't pay to have it repaired though)

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