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Floppy Discs

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silka | 19:11 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | Technology
5 Answers
Found a load of them in my loft, can they be used by any one these days or should I bin them ?


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If you don't have a floppy drive in your computer, you can get a USB external drive like this : User Recommendation
21:15 Sat 05th Jan 2013
If you mean the 3 1/2" ones then old computers and some musical keyboards (like my PA500 Korg.) use them.
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Yes that is what I mean, I have no use for them and wondered if charities etc needed them still
A few suggestions here:

If there's any personal information on them, make sure you reformat them before either giving or throwing them away.

If you don't have a floppy drive in your computer, you can get a USB external drive like this : User Recommendation
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Thank you all for your suggestions

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Floppy Discs

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