Microsoft Help Please!! in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Microsoft Help Please!!

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fruitsalad | 18:05 Sat 02nd Feb 2013 | Technology
5 Answers
I have been trying to sign into my hotmail and get a message from microsoft account saying "it looks like someone else might be using your account" and wants me to give them more information to get back into my emails etc how can I tell if this is genuine?
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I get these every few days, also tell me that my account is going to be suspended, it never has been yet, SiL told me DONT open them just delete them or report them as spam.
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microsoft have blocked my hotmail account and will reopen it when they get more information from me or so they say so I am unale to get into hotmail
A friend had this, and it took me a while to get her account back!

It will ask you to provide information that you used when you setup the account, also details of the last few emails you sent an received, eg subject, who to etc. It will then sent info to the alternate email address that you provided when setting it up. If you still jave access to that email account!!!

After doing this a few times, as I never managed to get the recovery process completed, and then eventually getting "sorry, you haven't provided enough info" replies, I emailed them outwith the recovery addresses, stating that we had provided enough information, details of emails that I had send to the account so that we could, in the recovery process, provide details of emails likley to be received by the account. I also stated that we had tried to resurrect the old email address (from a previous isp), but it would let us send, but not receive!

Eventually I received an email - from a human!!! - not an automated email and I gained access to her account for her!

Good luck.

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thanks guys....I think its sorted

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Microsoft Help Please!!

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