Went into Youtube and won't start without allowing me to download Adobe - never had to do this before. Also some sh t about taking your antivirus blahblah - is this correct. thanks by the way what is Adobe
no swearing was meant just saying the letters sh and t does that make it swearing. Anyway went back on youtube = gave it a second and youtube came back on. thanks for your replies
The following instruction for Windows XP but it's fairly similar in other versions of Windows as well:
Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel
Double-click on 'Add or Remove Programs'
Click on 'Adobe Flash Player Plugin'
Click 'Remove'
Close the window.
Restart your computer.
Go here to reinstall Adobe Flash Player (NB: Remove the tick where it says 'Yes, install McAfee Security Scan Plus').
Follow the instructions regarding double-clicking on the downloaded file.
Go to any Youtube page; it should now display properly.
You should have separate entries, in the list of programs for 'Adobe Flash Player Plugin' and 'Adobe Flash Player Active X'. It's only the 'Plugin' that you need to remove.
Mr.c was a bit dubious about installing the new adobe because it said he would have to turn off our security to download it. Don't remember having to do that before. Please could someone explain?
"no need to swear, we can get your point without resorting to swearing".
YES need to swear: computer/internet niggles can be infuriating - I've had comp/internet difficulties that have made me want to smash things to a pulp and I'm sure I'm not the only one.