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~Wingnut~ | 12:55 Sat 30th Mar 2013 | Technology
1 Answers
Can you please tell me if I can Bluetooth from a iPad to a android phone ( Samsung galaxy gt s5830) ,and how that can be done .


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Don't blame me if this doesn't work. I found it by doing a bit if google research

The first step required is to install Wi-Fi file transfer app into your android device. You can find that app in Google Play Store. Tap over the icon for Google Play Store and type the name of the app in the search field. Once you locate the app, just hit the ‘Download’ button along with it to start the installation. After finishing the download, create an iTunes account after selecting the country which supports iTunes store. You can then download free Wi-Fi file transfer app from iTunes into your iPad using this account. For that, you need to tap the ‘App Store’ icon on the home screen and hit the ‘Search’ tab. Enter the app name into the search field and press the ‘Download’ button next to the free app appears afterwards. If you want to transfer anything from android phone to iPad, then launch the app in android device and turn on the Bluetooth in both devices. In case you want to transfer items from iPad to android phone, then start the app on the iPad and enable Bluetooth in both phone and iPad.

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