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Does Anyone Know How To Contact Google?

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sbrown1450 | 17:28 Tue 02nd Apr 2013 | Technology
6 Answers
When I bought my new phone the salesman set it up and arranged a google account for gmail.
It turned out he misspelled my name and of course google will not accept my passwords which means I cannot access play store etc.
Any ideas how I can rectify this problem?
Thank you for your advice.


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How do I know that you are not trying to get into someone else gmail?

Just curious, why would you allow someone to set up an email/gmail account for you?

I'm not accusing you, just saying...
Nobody from Google is going to help you.

Go back to the shop and ask them to do it right.
I thought you could just set up gmail account yourself?
Gmail is free and anyone can set up an account...on your pc set up a new gmail account, then log into Google play on your phone. you may need to go into setting on your phone and delete the other gmail account.
As others have said, set up a new Google account, disconnect the current one from your phone and connect the new one.

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Does Anyone Know How To Contact Google?

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