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Digital Radio

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haggisbasher | 09:19 Sun 11th Aug 2013 | Technology
3 Answers
I hope I have entered this to the right place .
I have had a digital radio for some time with no problems. Last week the digital output was taken over by "ABSOLUTE RADIO" and although I have reset the machine I cannot get rid of it. Absolute is also coming through on the small portable radio as well. If it is of any assistance I live in Bristol.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Have a look at the wavebands for Absolute on the right of this page - are they near the bands you are trying to listen to?? http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/listen/
Could you tell us exactly what make, model, etc. your radio is? Somebody on AB might have the same radio. As it happens, I had a very similar problem on my Cambridge Audio One+ receiver recently. I also was stuck with just one local station on DAB, and I could not program the station presets on DAB in the usual way, although FM presets worked OK. To cut a long story short, I selected DAB, pressed Menu on the remote, and the screen display said Frequency Select. I pressed the Scan button to scan to the right, and I found that I could then select DAB stations. Once I had found a station that I wanted to save on a preset, I pressed the appropriate preset and the job was done. My receiver now has programmes on DAB that are accessible by pressing the appropriate button.
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Tanks both for your replies.

The radio. is Goodmans Micro1104SDAB Micro system
So if anyone knows HELP

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