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Broadband Usage

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Boto | 14:33 Mon 02nd Sep 2013 | Technology
4 Answers
This may be a silly question... If I have a monthly broadband allowance of 10GB does it make any difference how many websites I have open at the same time? My OH asked me this and I had to admit I don't know. TIA


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Every web site you visit will download updates to keep the page current, but whether you open them one at a time or all of them together not much difference will occur. If you keep tabs open all the time then you may well incur unnecessary updates, thus affecting your download limit.
"does it make any difference how many websites I have open at the same time?"


1 Youtube tab streaming video = 1mb downloaded per minute of video


3 Youtube tab streaming video = 3mb downloaded per minute of video

You'd be using three times the amount of your allowance in the same time.

But you shouldn't let this effect your browsing unless you've been hit with extra charges.
Ed,..I apologise for being somewhat slow on the uptake. However, I am unable to appreciate your comparisons......"1 Youtube tab streaming video = 1mb downloaded per minute of video


3 Youtube tab streaming video = 3mb downloaded per minute of video

Anyway for the benefit of the OP, I would mention that I only have a Broadband allowance of 10GB and,despite my being continually in and out of AB on a daily basis, I hardly ever use more than half of my quota. However, I am Not into playing games on the Internet or downloading Videos / Films; which eat-up one's allocation.

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Thanks for all your answers. I'm not worried about going over the allowance as I don't watch videos, play games etc. It was idle curiosity really.

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