I suppose I should find this amusing, seeing as how I make public how much I love Windows 8.
Anyway, I installed W8 last December without problem, installed 8.1 evaluation copy (Beta to you and me) without problem and now I can't install the final version.
I have followed all the instructions and downloaded it from the Windows Store - it downloads okay but then I get the message 'We couldn't install the system reserved partition' and so it aborts at that point.
I learnt my lesson over the years, the amount of time I sometimes wasted trying to find and fix faults just wasnt worth it, usually a re-install and back to work takes around 2-3 hours.
the worst part of re-installing windows is the non stop updates upon updates, so that why i learnt to create installs with all the updates slipstreamed into the installer, plenty of online tuts .