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Can Someone Talk To Me About Iphones Please?

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DJHawkes | 23:01 Sat 16th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I want a phone like an iphone that is good for the internet and is pay as you go on orange. The orange web site do them but I wondered where else did. Or what other phones are similar but not iphones. thank you.
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I've got a Nokia Lumia. Does more or less the same kind of things for a fraction of the price.
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could I connect it to my laptop and transfer all my garth cds from there onto it ummmm?
Take a look at the Samsung Galaxy range, excellent phones and better than Iphones.
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The reason I don't want an iphone is not necessarily the price, it's because I don't want itunes, or is it not connected?
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my daughter wants a galaxy 3, she has a galaxy mini at the moment, they seem ok, an you get them in 32gb?
Yes...and it's only £80 odd quid.
You can do that on the Galaxy, no probe.
I am stuck on iPhones, iPads because I like the operating system (and himself is v generous) but they are very expensive for what they are. I suppose it depends what you actually want to do with it but lots of phones/tablets do the same thing for less money. Maybe you need to go into a phone shop and play a it dim?
If you put a big enough memory card in you can store all your music on it.
iTunes is a necessity with an iPhone.
Look at HTC, Sony Xperia, Nexus
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I just want to be able to use the internet on my phone as well as my kobo arc and also i want to be able to have all garth's songs on the phone too to play over the PA system at work for when we are in there working when the shop is shut, I want to be able to use ebay on it and my facebook page, my samsung E2550 is a pain and won't show pages properly online,
Start here:
(You need to keep clicking the arrows to read all of the pages).
That's a US site, so the information about service providers doesn't apply here but it's otherwise a very good summary of the best of what's available. It's no surprise to me that the Samsung Galaxy S4 is so well reviewed. It's incredibly popular everywhere.
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i won't use itunes until they back down over Garth's albums. He won't allow them to sell his songs as individual tracks. I agree with that, all his albums have a mood or a theme and to extract one song out of the context of the artisitical presentation intended would take the meaning of the production process away.
I'd vote for the Samsung Galaxy S3 or S4 simply because the screens are so big, better for the internet.
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I've just looked at those links about the S4 and it actually does seem to be right, they maybe do a 16gb or even a 32gb, my Kobo arc is a 32gb and great for everything but a bit big for carrying around, plus it only has a front facing camera for skype and not one to take photos with necessarily, or videos
Garth is being a bit precious there, don't you think? And short sighted - allowing people to buy one or two tracks will lead them to buy more.
If Pink Floyd can sell one track from Dark Side of the Moon without having a hissy fit, and Queen and other hugely successful musicians who theme their albums why can't Garth.

A quick look on Amazon shows me Garth 'tribute' singers are selling tracks for 89p.
Until about a year ago you couldn't get any Beatles on itunes.
Dotty off topic I keep getting things from Facebook from someone I wondered if it was you. They use the name Dotty S?????????E and went to R & B high school. Am I completely barking up the wrong tree?
rhythm and blues high school? Sounds fab!

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