When you have a file on your computer it is held on your hard disk.
To keep track of WHAT files are on your hard disk, and WHERE they are, your hard disk also contains a "look up" table, to point to where the file is.
When you delete a file all Windows does is delete the entry from the look up table (in fact it just marks the file as deleted in the look up table).
The FILE ITSELF is not deleted, but the space where the file is stored is marked that is CAN be overwritten if need be.
So if your hard disk NEVER fills up the "deleted" file could sit on your hard disk for months or years.
But if your hard disk DOES fill up, then eventually the space where your deleted file is will be used by a new file and your deleted file will finally be deleted.
This is why you should NEVER give a PC or hard disk away until you have done a complete CLEAN of the disk, to remove all hidden files.
There is software available to "wipe" all hidden files off the hard disk.