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wendilla | 19:33 Wed 22nd Jan 2014 | Technology
8 Answers
On top of my screen there are all the topics I have been into . Is there a quicker way to delete them as sometimes when I forget I have about 20 to clear one by one . Hope I have made that clear . Thanks for any replies .


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Double click the button middle bottom of the screen then they will all come up on the screen then just flip upwards with your finger. All gone.
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Thank you for reply . When I do that 3small screens come up safari sky news and mail
I double click the button when I shut mine down for the night. Youbarebright though, wendilla, the pages are all still there at the top of the page.

If you go to the little open book,top right of the screen then clear you browsing history.
No. Just done that and the tabs are still there. Maybe the slow way is the only way.
I think you mean the tabs bar wendilla.

Yes it's a pain having to delete them one by one but you can go into settings, safari and clear history and clear cookies and data, the only downside is you have to log in any sites that you a saved login and password.

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thank you for replies yes it is the tabs bar Elvis I might be better to leave it as it is then than to have to password every site. Many thanks.
When the three small screens come up just swoosh them upwards with your finger and they will disappear, not good to keep too many open at the same time.
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Thanks all for replies

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