Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Charging My Kindle
3 Answers
My husband and I both have Kindles. We are having problems charging them. They are both run down to bottom and when we plug them in to charger the amber light comes on but within minutes the green light shows which usually means it is charged up. Tried loads of times and still does same on both Kindles. Thought it may be our charger so just borrowed a friends and they have done same with that charger too.
https:// www. google. co. uk/ search? q= kindle+ won% 27t+ charge& amp; oq= kindle+ won% 27& amp; aqs= chrome. 2. 69i57j0l5. 3885j0j7& sourceid= chrome& amp; espv= 210& amp; es_ sm= 93& amp; ie= UTF- 8
17:15 Sat 22nd Feb 2014