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johnbjohn | 19:50 Mon 22nd Aug 2005 | Technology
3 Answers

Can anyone tell me how i put downloaded dvds on disc. When i have downloaded the disc onto nero, i try to burn but it always says it is encoding, please tell me what this is and how long i have to wait for this to encode. Also can you please tell me what to do next.

*nb* this is purely for my own collection 



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I think encoding is when Nero changes the format so that it can make it playable for you.

At this moment I am encoding an Elvis concert and have only done 81%. This has taken 6 hours so far.

But I will bow to superior knowledge if someone can give a better answer.



Depends what format you downloaded it in. If it's a 700Mb XVid MPG, it will take a long time to convert. If you download the original DVD format of 4Gb, it takes no time at all!
In my experience Nero seems to take a longer than usual time to encode from one format to another - on a 2 hour film for example - this would take no less than 2 hours - Winavi however converts the same film in around 30 minutes or so - Then to burn to disc I use DVD santa which you could add another 20 -30 minutes, so from a AVI/Mpeg film for example on your hard disc, to a completed DVD would take less than an hour.

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