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Remote Pillow

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kuulteach | 00:08 Fri 18th Jul 2014 | Technology
7 Answers
can't get this to find my tv ....... any suggestions are welcome x x


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do you mean this.....gadgets are getting crazy; whats next a hose to the loo - lol
00:12 Fri 18th Jul 2014
do you mean this.....gadgets are getting crazy; whats next a hose to the loo - lol
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I got this from a charity shop for 3 quid ...... my husband hogs remote ... can't get it to find my tv..... actually thought it would be funny .... probably will use on the boat .... come on 3 pounds for a universal remote isn't bad x x x
What's the make & model of your TV?
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Technika lcd 32-270 .... looked this up and got a code 2106 ??? First three digits confirmed by flashing light .... if I do auto search seems do be doing what it's meant to o then switches off my tv???
Technika is Tesco's own brand name, which is applied to products sourced from multiple manufacturers, so there's little consistency in their remote codes. However the Tesco Tech Support people should be able to find the correct code for your TV. Phone them (free of charge from a BT landline) on 0800 323 4060 between 0900 and 2000 Mon to Sat (or between 1000 and 1800 Sun).
"Technica is Tesco's own brand name"

And what a terrible name it is. It's technical, call it Technica.

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