White rabbits...Mornin-ish.
Poor Mr s, lol. When you're dealing with the 'big stuff' health-wise you kind of go into a different zone. After I recovered I thought I'd never complain about the minor ailments again....that didn't last long, hey ho, we're all human. :)
I was grumping for England a few hrs ago, I'd had little sleep, the algia's flared up again big time stylie, it was persisting down and I had a dentist appt so I was overwound to say the least. Luckily the rain eased as I left, it wasn't my usual dentist(woman) it was the boss man. He had a quick squint in my mouth, said all was fine and I'm back in 3 months for a clean. Tut, all that angst for nothing...I'm a silly woman.
Sun's out at the moment but it's cloudy.
lol jno, the old ones are the best.