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Replacing laptop Hard drive

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Steffiy | 17:59 Sun 04th Sep 2005 | Technology
12 Answers

I need my laptop hard drive replaced. Is is cheaper/easier/make any difference if I take it to PC world and get them so sort it out from scratch or is it better to buy a hard drive from a website and then get someone to fit it?

Thanks :)



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Best to find a local computer shop if there is one. (Or  a technical friend). 

do it your self, it really isnt hard an pc world are just a total rip off anyway. once uve put in the new hard drive jus put in ur xp disc turn it on and itll basicly do it for its self

o ye if ur laptop eva goes wrong dont go to pc world ull pay probably twice as much as you would if you went to a small independant shop

hope dis helps


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Thanks! I have taken my computer to a local shop and they have said I need to buy a hard drive but not sure where to get one from. Are most lap top hard drives standard or are they specific for each model/make?

Can anybody recommend a good site to buy parts from? :) 

Apart from buying a magazine - especially the weekly Micro Mart, try Novatech (my favourite) or Dabs, Misco, Aria etc or just Kelkoo and other comparison sites.
PS. What kind of 'local shop' can't supply a hard drive!!!

Would also add Ebuyer to wideboy's list. Try this page.

One word of warning, most laptops use a 2.5" Hard Drive but they do come in two thicknsses.Modern ones are 9.5mm whilst some older ones are 11.5mm. If yours uses the 11.5mm one and you are unable to obtain one, you might need an adaptor for the 9.5mm.

Get your local shop to advise you on this before you go ahead or find a better local shop that stocks them.

Agree with the others though, avoid PC Rip-Off-World.

Just be careful with Ebuyer. Had some problems a while back, mainly with the ability to contact them. If this has improved then their prices are good. To be fair (?) to PC World, look out for bargains in-store or on their website - I've had two or three good ones including a laser printer (before they really tumbled in price), a desktop hard drive and a big-name laptop PCMCIA wireless card at half the normal price!

Never had problems withh any of them apart from Novatech who wouldn't give me technical information by e-mail but insisted I ring them on a rip-off 0870 number.

PC World don't even sell laptop hard Drives, bargain variety or otherwise.

Model - SAMSUNG MP0804H
Product Code - 901870  
Web Exclusive price �72 inc VAT

From PC WORLD !!!!

PS. Novatech exchanged my DVD writer after 6 months with some very nice emails and gave me a better drive than I'd had.
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