Can Anyone Recommend A Mobile Phone For Internet Use? in The AnswerBank: Internet
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Can Anyone Recommend A Mobile Phone For Internet Use?

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sandyRoe | 12:27 Tue 27th Jan 2015 | Internet
4 Answers
I presently use a basic mobile phone and am thinking of upgrading. The Virgin Media 'modem' I have for the desktop allows wi-fi access. Could I be using the mobile with this without added charges?
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If your new phone has wifi on it then all will be fine , when you are within reach of your modem it will automatically pick up the wifi signal and at no extra costs. after you have connected the phone up to the wifi, ( very easy to do)
As said, yes. I only use my mobile on WiFi for Net access.

Unsure I can recommend a particular handset. You probably get what you pay for. Too basic and it's a pain to use, but most are usable. I presently have a Samsung Siii mini which is adequate, but I feel there must be better out there is you are willing to pay more.
Samsung galaxy ace on offer just now from 02......... £59.99 great phone
You haven't said what your budget is, or if you require a contract or not.

But if its a contract, I would unhesitatingly recommend an iphone. It doesn't have to be the new iphone 6...an iphone 5 or even an iphone 4 will be a good investment. I know its fashionable in some circles to diss Apple, but I have been using an iphone since the first one came out and I am a big fan.

The just get and do the job in hand without any fuss at all. Other makes probably do as well but I have no experience of anything other than iphone.

When I order something on ebay, the confirmation comes back to me as an email about 10-20 seconds after I have completed the sale on the ebay screen on my desktop, quicker than it arrives in my inbox for BT Yahoo !

Although, to be fair, anything is quicker than BT Yahoo !

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Can Anyone Recommend A Mobile Phone For Internet Use?

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