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Re I Pad 2

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supercrafter | 14:49 Wed 29th Apr 2015 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi. I have 4 tv episodes of each one hour bought through I tunes downoaded on to my I pad 2. Now I watched these I would to delete them off there and not be en able to find out how to do so. Can you help in simple explanation what I have to do.

Thanking you in advance. Super crafter. X


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Look for the Videos app - looks like a clapperboard.

Domyou see your videos there?

If so, look in top right corner - do you see EDIT?

Press it - an X should now appear next to the video. Press it.

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Hi Tuvoc have been into videos they are there but no edit in right hand corner
Super rafter x

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Re I Pad 2

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