I bought a new keyboard a couple of weeks ago, one of those small Advent wireless ones. But it has suddenly started putting random 5's and 6's, like this ::::
ab5cdefghb5ijkln6mn6, etc
I have lost the reciept but it wasn't terribly expensive. I have tried changing the batteries but the problem is still continuing.
No but when anything weird starts happening I always switch everything off and switch back on again and lots of times it does really rectify the problem.
Your statutory rights are unaffected by the absence of a receipt. I've returned several duff products (e.g. a laminator purchased from Sainsbury's that packed up after a few uses) without a receipt and never had much of a problem (other than, say, waiting for a manager to be called) when seeking a replacement. (It might be a different matter though to try to get a refund as the store could suspect you of shoplifting the item and then trying to get the money for it).
You have a particular advantage when returning a store's 'own brand' product, as it's clear that you couldn't have bought it from anywhere else.
OK, I' don't really know but I'm guessing that it's used for 'pairing up' the transmitter and the receiver; it's extremely unlikely to have anything to do with your problem, which appears to relate to a physical fault inside the keyboard.
Hi mikey....Why have you said...." My suspicions is some tea or coffee may have got spilt on it but nobody is owning up ! " ??
If there has been a liquid spillage and the B & N keys are affected that is a real Bloody Nuisance, which I hardly think qualifies for any form of compensation.
Buenchico...you were 100% correct. Not having a receipt didn't prove a problem at all.The charming girl who I saw an hour ago in PC World just looked back on the Cash Register computer thingy, to find my purchase on the 24th March, checked that the CC details were the same and promptly gave me another keyboard.
Despite going faulty, its a really good keyboard ! Its quite heavy and solid-feeling, and has a good positive key stroke. So many keyboards are so light and flimsy, that they can move about and feel cheap in use. Its also very quiet, and not at all "clicky"
Lets hope this one is OK, although if its not, I have a receipt now, and PCW couldn't have been more helpful and polite today when I called.
//Despite going faulty, its a really good keyboard ! Its quite heavy and solid-feeling, and has a good positive key stroke. So many keyboards are so light and flimsy, that they can move about and feel cheap in use. Its also very quiet, and not at all "clicky"//
this will equate to double the output from Mikey on here.......! Stand back.....