Submit Button Hidden On Phone. in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Submit Button Hidden On Phone.

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netibiza | 07:13 Wed 07th Oct 2015 | Technology
9 Answers
On my Samsung Note 3 whenever I try to post on AB the submit button is hidden by an advert, and when I press the go back button it is there but faint and will not submit. Any suggestions as to how I can remedy this? thank you.
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There is a way of hiding the adverts. AB needs adverts but there is no point if the ads stop people posting somaybe you could block them with something just on your samsung.
I have the same issue with mine, I just turn the phone on its side and then back again it somehow sorts it's self out and the add moves.

Are you using AB Mobile Site?
Question Author
No I don't think so as I do not like the mobile site. I'll try turning it on its side and putting on an adblocker. thanks
I think you will need " screen rotation" activated.
It works for me no problem, just give screen chance to change then turn it back again, I don't use the mobile version of AB either.
Question Author
Yes screen rotation works. Thanks.
Can you not move the webpage such that the button is no longer hidden ?

Greyed out button shows it has lost the understanding that there is anything to post. You'd need to add and delete a character to 'trigger' the submit button again.
Of, the button gets hidden by an advert over it, just tipping the phone moves the advert below the button making it available to access.

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Submit Button Hidden On Phone.

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