E-Mail Trouble in The AnswerBank: Technology
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E-Mail Trouble

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crisper | 15:04 Wed 28th Oct 2015 | Technology
5 Answers
Hiya.. were on AOL..and running windows 10.. with no trouble..but in the last few days when we try and write e-mails, part way through writing, we get booted off-line..we can write the e-mails..send and receive etc, through Outlook Express with no trouble at all..any one have any idea's of a fix?.. thought maybe un-install ..re-install etc.. everything else is fine...thanks for any help.. Mrs C x
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It sounds like an inactivity timeout which may occur if you take your time writing an email. If it was ok a few weeks ago and it has just happening it the issue could be from AOL servers or your web Browser.

I'm assuming you are using the Windows 10 Edge browser, so to test if it is you browser or AOL try downloading and installing a different web browser such as www.opera.com or www.firefox.com. If it works ok in another browser then it is a good guess that its your edge browser or the add-on modules that it is using.

Alternatively, if it is Edge that you are having the trouble with, try clearing out the Browser Cache and Cookies, see: https://www.wiknix.com/how-to-clear-cache-and-cookies-in-microsoft-edge-browser/

A work-around is to compose the message in Word Pad or Notepad then copy and paste the text into a new mail message, so you don't get cut off half through typing!
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Thank you Pinkyboyid..Mr c is far clever-er.. at all this than me... so I'll tell him to try the things you suggested.. thanks for taking the time to answer ! Mrs C x
If you are with AOL(UK), that is part of Talktalk, so I wonder if your problem is connected with the recent hacking scandal?
I was feeling safe from this, having switched from AOL over a year ago, until I heard the "you and yours " report on radio 4 this pm, when it was suggested that records of former Talktalk customers may also have been compromised. Although I closed my broadband account with them I retained my email account as this is free of charge.
Are there any techies out there who can shed light on this?
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Ta Misslead.. yep we thought that too.. looking into it.. thank you so much for your input ! Mrs C x
Hi Crisper,
I'm having the same problem! I'm glad it's not just me then, lol.
I too am with Aol/Talk Talk, on a new laptop (since Julyish) and using Windows 10, I too get booted offline when I'm trying to compose an email .. most annoying!
However all is ok when I use a different browser, ie Firefox to write the email x

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