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Different Browsers Different News

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Khandro | 08:51 Mon 14th Mar 2016 | Technology
15 Answers
Can anyone account for the fact that if I open the Telegraph in Google I get different news than if I open it in Firefox?

This morning using Firefox, yesterday's German elections are the headline main top news, but in Google, they are not even mentioned anywhere.


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>>Can anyone account for the fact that if I open the Telegraph in Google

You cant open Telegraph in "Google"

Do you mean the Chrome browser (written by Google)
Question Author
VHG; No I don't have chrome, it is just the old 'Google UK' version
Dunno. Different old caches maybe ?
There's no such thing as a 'Google UK' browser. The only browser associated with Google is Chrome.

At a guess (since you seem to be implying that the mysterious 'Google UK' has always been on your computer), I'd suggest that it's actually Internet Explorer, with set as its home page.

It's possible then that you might have Internet Explorer configured to use a cached version of any page that you visit. Try pressing F5 (to refresh the page) to see if the content changes.

Alternatively the Telegraph's website might be detecting your IP address (in Germany) when you use Firefox, ensuring that German news is prioritised, but Internet Explorer (or whatever else your mystery browser actually is) is configured to use a proxy server elsewhere.
You seem confused about what is a browser and what is a search engine.

Google is a search engine that works on all browsers. Google, Yahoo etc have a news section which delivers search results related to the news.

Browsers have bookmarks, so you can link directly to news sites.

I suspect your search results are less up to date than the news sites from which they are linking.
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Thanks, I see now. As I usually do, I open Google UK, and I click on 'Favourites' and 'Telegraph' and get the page, so it will be opening in Internet Explorer. The strange thing is why today's was a different set of news from the one which I opened with Firefox.

I then tried 'Google UK' and typed in 'The Telegraph' and followed the link and got then the same one as I had in Firefox. I wondered why the first one was a different set of news, one not mentioning the German Elections which is important news universally.
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P.S. Both pages were dated today.
I still don't know how you open Google UK.
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^ from a shortcut on my desktop. Is that what you mean?
So what you're actually opening is Internet Explorer, that just happens to have Google as it's start/home page. (You can have whatever you want there; it doesn't have to be Google. You could, for example, have the BBC website, The Telegraph or even AB!)
Sorry, Khandro, I'm sure I'm being dim.

I open a browser, any brower (IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome or Opera are all on my PC) and the search box is automatically set to Goolge UK. Type in Telegraph and there it is. Or click on the Telegraph icon in the browser's bookmarks.
Of course, if you search for the Telegraph's website via Google's UK site, the link you'll get will tell The Telegraph's server than it came from a UK search engine (so giving you UK content).

Whereas if you enter The Telegraph's web address into the browser's address bar directly, their website will just see your German IP address and give you content relevant to your location.
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Khandro hangs head in shame! I see what is going on here. If you look at the Telegraph website, along the top is a black line with different topics. In Internet explorer (via Google) it is, and must always have been on my computer, set to 'News' when I use Favourites. Wheras in Firefox the bookmark takes me to 'Home', two different pages!

Thank you for your perseverance, at least, I have found out something.
Oh well, that's one mystery solved then!

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