I can't believe what I've done.
I bought a new laptop this morning, running on Windows 10.
Switched it on, went through the set up process, which included setting up a user password. I typed in a password and then completed set up. I downloaded some anti virus software and then carried out a restart to apply the changes.
Guess what?
I typed in what I thought was the password, however the laptop told me that it was incorrect, so I've clearly just mis-typed my password.
I have no personal data on the laptop at the moment so I'm not worried about losing pictures, music etc.
I've tried password reset software using my old laptop, I burned a CD, though my new laptop is asking me to insert the software via flash drive, my old laptop will not let me copy the software on to flash drive using the free trial software.
I can't believe I've been so stupid, any ideas please anyone?
Try one attempt with CapsLock ON
Try one attempt with CapsLock OFF
Then switch the power off.
I've never tried Win10 and I cannot guarantee that power off will reset the count of password attempts. Just in case, DO take the number of failed attempts so far into account, pending news of the actual limit.
In second attempt, with Caps lock off, try to remember if you typed any capital letters and try to replicate that sequence.
Could you have brushed the shift key or rested your hand near it?