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queenofmean | 17:03 Tue 19th Jul 2016 | Technology
5 Answers
My late mum had several kindles including 2 fires. The latest one I bought her for her Christmas and its registered to her. Is it possible to register it as my second Kindle or is it too complicated?


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Easy peasy. Reset to factory settings then it will be as it was out of the box and you can register it to yourself
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Thank you hc
Do you have your mother's login details? If so, this is all you need:

If not, but you have access to your mother's email account, then you can go through the 'lost password' procedure to get a new password and then proceed as above.

Otherwise it looks as if you might need to reset the Kindle to its factory default status:;forumID=Fx3RLE6WY0PI1B4&;cdThread=Tx2LX8K7KU221TC
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I did although I changed the name on her Amazon to Dad's name. But I do have access to both her email and I presume her Amazon. But if all else fails I can just restore factory settings.
Ta muchly Buenchico
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