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murraymints | 09:19 Sat 17th Sep 2016 | Technology
9 Answers
does anyone know about contacts..trying to add someone in Australia to whatsapp contact but not coming up..does that person have to be a FB or messenger friend too ??


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Hi minty.
In WhatsApp, on the top right go into Contacts. Scroll down and at the bottom, those in your contacts list not already using the app can be invited.
Question Author
they are not appearing in whatsapp contacts even though they are on my contacts list in phone !
Hmm, odd. Again, in the app scroll to the very bottom of Contacts. Try the Invite Friends option below the Invites already highlit in green, bar that maybe the Contacts help at the very bottom?
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doing my head in chili..will look still in lurrrve ?
Hope you get it sorted later because I'm stumped!

As for the other.......I cancelled the wedding, matters went slightly awry after a culmination of events and my gut feeling was to bail out. Ho-hum, all part of life's rich tapestry and all that!
Question Author
ah..shame chilli ..that you free and single again ??
It is minty. Make sure you're not crushed in the stampede.....! LOL
Do they have WhatsApp on their mobile ?

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