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floss85 | 15:55 Tue 11th Oct 2005 | Technology
3 Answers

I am thinking of buying a laptop. Its sole purpose will be so I can access the internet and use things like Word, Excel etc. How much will looking at spending? I have had a look pn the pc world site but the cheapest on seems to be about �400. I dont really want to spend that much as I wont be using it a lot. Any ideas what I should be looking for?





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Have a look on ebay for some cheaper options. My mate sold his laptop on there for under �200. It was still capable of doing the thing s your looking for.

Laptops tend to cost a bit more than the desktop equivalent. A laptop at �400 is at the very low end of the laptop price range.

You could try the Dell site. The have a laptop, a Dell Inspiron 1200, for about �400.

Dell usually have all sorts of deals, free delivery, extra memory etc. so look in the papers or on the web for the best offer you can get. They do not sell in shops.


Remember that a laptop will not come with MS Office on it, and that can cost you another �200, unless you can get the student version.

I would be reluctant to buy a second hand laptop. The technology moves on so quickly that it could be out of date, also you do not know if there is anything wrong with it, or they may have spilt a glass of coke on the keyboard. I would go for a new one.      

Also not keen on buying a used laptop as you can't be sure what you are getting. The Dell Inspiron 1200 is a good choice (actually bought them for both my kids for university!) They come with MS Works installed free. Not as fancy as MS Office but same sort of programs (Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database etc.) and many (most?) people wouldn't know the difference between expensive Office and free Works...just my opinion...


Good luck!

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