Data connectors used today can be very dodgy. I've a micro USB connector on my mobile phone which some fool has decided can double up as the power charger inlet too. So it is continually being plugged into and then unplugged again.
Recently it is proving a pain to charge, with some chargers failing to charge at all, and a small number which will if one ensures that the plug is pressing forward.
It's out of warranty so I took it to the Geek Squad only to be told that it is an integral part of the main board (!?!?!) and so not economically repairable. (That news that the design was so awful that a connector could make the whole thing useless was bad enough, but the salt in the wound was to be told that three years use was supposed to be a good run !!!)
Yeah try the local repair shops, PC, Mobile, Whatever; and the best of luck.