Sandstrom Cd Hi Fi in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Sandstrom Cd Hi Fi

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kawanabe | 13:20 Wed 08th Feb 2017 | Technology
12 Answers
It played CD's perfectly well the last time I used it.

Now,a year later,admittedly,with a covering of dust..I carefully cleaned it..But when I tried to play a Disc,it "Sticks"every 20 secs,or so.

I am loath to throw things away needlessly...Can I do anything to remedy this..Is it worth getting it fixed professionally...Or is it Kaput?
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Depending what you meant by "I carefully cleaned it", it might be worth trying this sort of thing on it:

Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation

Sandstrom was a Dixons Group own-brand...rather down-market and decidedly NOT "hi-fi"....I doubt if any professional audio "fixers" would go near it! So, it could be worth having a stab with a lens cleaner like bhg has suggested.
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Thank you,bhg481.

By"Carefully cleaned it",I meant the dust covering the outside.
I am in no way"Tech savvy",and would not "mess"with the "Gubbins"inside.

I will take your advice,and order disc cleaner..Fingers crossed!
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Ooo..you have got me in the mood for an upgrade Gingejbee...the Sandstrom was a gift,5 or 6 yrs ago.

Could you please offer any recommendations...with good"Hi Fi"
nothing too powerful,mid-price range.

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That should have read"I will order Lens cleaner",not Disc cleaner.
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If the Lens cleaner works,I can pass on the Sandstrom to my neighbours kids...and get me "a proper Hi Fi"..oo,That would be nice!
Well...I can't recommend anything from current personal knowledge (I have a system of hi-fi separates bought several years ago - and still sounding brilliant)but the best advice I have is to visit a Richer Sounds store, tell them how much you want to spend and what you want (vinyl? CD? streaming? radio tuner?). They are excellent (a Which? Recommended retailer) and you won't be disappointed with them. If you can't get to one of their shops, you can get advice over the phone/online and order the same way.
Here's a link, to whet your appetite....

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I went on to Richer Sounds site,and the first thing that popped up was a Denon system..rated 5 stars,for £299..that's sounds great,sort of where I'm aiming at!

Appreciate your help..k.

I would second Gingejbee's advice on going to Richer Sounds. If you do buy there think about their extended warranty. I normally avoid such things like the plague but, with many of the items they sell, if you take out the extended warranty and don't make a claim you get the full cost of the warranty back at the end of the 5-year term. I've done this at least twice now and it works perfectly; no hassle, just cash in hand. Certain things are excluded (TV's, I think amongst them) but if what you buy qualifies it's a no-brainer.
Pleased to help....you can't go wrong with Denon - my amplifier and tuner are Denon and have performed brilliantly for several years. Good luck with your purchase.
...and I second bhg's comment about their extended warranty...inexpensive and money back if you don't use it...I've actually done it on THREE items...they just take the cash out of the till. Brilliant.
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Thanks to you both..I look forward hearing Real Hi Fi. :-)

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