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Caran | 23:00 Tue 21st Feb 2017 | Technology
20 Answers
my ipad seems to have died. i can use it offline but trying to get on AB or any other site is a nightmare. the refresh button doesnt work, it starts to refresh then stops halfway across and everything freezes. ive turned it off umpteen times. its been like it most of the day. occasionally i have got the AB site up but that is all. it is totally frozen.
has anyone any ideas what i can do please?


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Hi Caran

Problems using an iPad on here today
I've given up trying to use Answerbank on my iPad today - I'm waiting for the happy pixies to fix it :)
I wish they'd hurry up :)
I got rid of my iPad and bought a Kindle Fire, Love it. So much better and cost me £50 at the time. Not sure how much they are now Caran. Hope you get it sorted
Suggestion 1:
Go to Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data and accept that option.

Suggestion 2:
Terminate the Safari App by double-clicking the Home button and swiping up on the image of the Safari App. Then restart your iPad.

Suggestion 3:
Reset your iPad: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds).
Question Author
thanks Scorpiojo.
Hi Sher long ime no speak. you dont seem to post much nowadays.
How is your brood and of course hubby?
Hi Caran, no, I don't post so much these days. I'm well and my brood are growing up so fast (sad & lovely at the same time). Himself is fine but we're waiting on the results of his last check-up (nearly 3 months ago - so they're obviously not worried about him or he's past saving). Hope you're all ok, x
Question Author
Thanks Chris, suggestion one has worked okay. Well done!
Oh thank goodness!!! I thought it was just mine. I couldn't get on the site all evening.
We can't all have the same problem. Is it the site that's playing up?
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i could scream, it has frozen again. it was working for two minutes.
Question Author
it is working ok on laptop.
I've done all those, Chris. It's only this site.

Sometimes I can get on by using my bookmark, other times answerbank mobile or using this old post I found
It could be something within this site which is causing the problems. Most iPad users have had problems lately when using AB (and it's possible that something it dumps in your stored data means that you continue experience problems elsewhere).
I'm not having any problems at all elsewhere.
Question Author
i cannot get onto any other sites on ipad. refresh stuck halfway across on all sites.
No hot sweats or dryness, scorp?;-)
Not yet, melv :)
I'm on my iPhone now and everything is fine. :/
I also had issues on iPad last nighti killed off the AB tab and all was well with other sites. It was this site causing issues.

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