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iPod Nano

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shiznit | 22:30 Wed 19th Oct 2005 | Technology
8 Answers
Does any one know how to connect an iPod nano to a cd player in my car, have seen the cassette adaptors but only have a cd player doh!!!!



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I have one of these - you can get them from Apple Store UK -
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Cheers Mate, unfortunately only have a ford ka and they do not make one for that model, thanks anyway
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Thanks mate, sounds more hopeful but cant seem to get an answer off them if it is compatible with my cd player, they dont seem to have any contact info either

Well, I don't use one, but this site offers excellent service. Have a read down the page It seems to be acceptable for the Ka. Give them a call to find out if it's ok.

I personllay use the Podgear cardock FM. You must realise that it's illegal in the UK, because strictly speaking, you are transmitting a radio show. Although this reaches maybe 2-3 metres...

But it is excellent and the easiest option here. No wires, just plug into your car's cigarette lighter and away you go.

The itrip is also quite good. Not as powerful as the cardock, but you can use this inside with a radio, it does use the ipod battery and is more prone to interference.

...sorry forgot to say, it works through your radio.


...and it's great fun lining up 2 or 3 cars and all listening to the toons on your ipod.....
You could try one of these...

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