just popped out to Devonshire for the last few days of summer, land of my fathers. Well, land of one great great great grandfather, anyway. He was a whitesmith, bookseller, police chief, court bailiff and other jobs too, all at the same time. Nothing new about portfolio careers. His bookshop is still there 200 years later but it's now a coffee bar.
OH stayed at home recovering from what seems to be a liver problem (fluid retention) and a painful shoulder that seems to have nothing to do with all the previous problems, which is most unusual. After all the stream of internal problems, we don't need muscular-skeletal ones too.
Definitely a few degrees cooler here but it's still warm and sunny. I have greatly enjoyed this summer and am thinking of applying for another one.
Hmmm, Robinia, which are you hoping to keep, the jaw or the ear?