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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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sorry but I did have a little snigger at this.
Good day I've been microbladed not too sure about it. Instead of hardly any eyebrows I now have very noticeable ones! And it did, still does in fact, hurt!
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Oh gawd Jno,are you butler mode complete with silver salver :)
and ...oooh ..ouch Neti. Not scouse brows I hope.
Neti that all goes away over the next 4 or 5 days and the scabs, and some of your actual eyebrow hair which should re grow...Are you having more sessions?
Didn't realise that OH was home jno. I'm sorry but I am.on more pain than OH. Eyebrows are so sore. Yes I have bwen given a little cartoon illustrating the feelings on every day. Tomorrow will be Omg too black and thick but then it eases off. In a.month I will have perfect brows and to be honest they are acceptable now. Apparently shouldn't be any scabbing. Havw to go back in 4 weeks on case they need touching up. I have sticky little brow plasters to wear tonight. What a palace and Yes I do have to answer the door.
Palaver not palace
Not Scouse brows or bolt brows. Very nicely shaped ones.
Hello. Lovely day here. Wish it would stay at this level of heat. Been running around for hija and Mr N. Then coffeed. Finally sorted summer and winter clothes . Just need new kitchen and pool now.was in bed last night dozing and watching the Split when out of the corner of my eye I think I saw ( almost convinced) a cockroach on my shoulder. I leapt up and shook everything shakeable moved mattress but nothing. It may hopefully have been the half frame of my specks on wonky as I had just woken up. Today we've moved bed and sprayed everywhere. No sign.
The beautician had given me two sticky things for eyebrows last night but what a mess. They all wrinkled and stuck to themselves. In the end I managed one lumpy one on one half of one eyebrow. But alls well.
How is OH and everyone?
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Hello all
At least you have some heat Neti.It's cold here and blowing a gale.Middle of May and we've got the heating on ! Real feel of 10C.
Hope your eyebrows soon settle down. I couldn't go through that pain for eyebrows.I still have some and use a pencil but I've never plucked them so they've lasted quite
Hope you're all Ok including your OH Jno.
OH increased eating slightly today then brought it all back up; might have been the pills and getting another injection in the bum that unsettled things. Well, it was never oing to be a quick reovery. At least the nurse has been sorted out and the doctor has actually phoned to arrange a home visit to meet the patient - I have never had a home visit in my entire 127 years. And the lab has been to take away several cartons of unused dripfeed food, so you can almost get in the front door now. I might sit down and watch some TV or something.
yes the road to recovery is bound to have its bumps
My answers are not appearing. Are we bumping again?
I will say this only twice. Shaney my eyebrows are disappearing due to my thyroid. Were ok till last year. I always had nice eyebrows and never overplucked, only the stragglers so I miss them. I waa filling them in with a pencil.but it never looked right. Now there's a microblading pencil available which creates little strokes and washes off.
hello all....had a busy day here trolling round with Sis. Hope you are all well and enjoying the wevver
it feels cooler than it looks out there. OH's scar has started to ooze a bit so we have got some antibiotics to keep infection at bay. If it was me these would cause more havoc inside than outside, but we'll see.
Oh dear jno if it's not one thing it's anothe
All's well here. Eyebrows are fine but itching and am not allowed to scratch them. Lovely weather.ive done some weeding and lopping algaroba branches with my trusty breadknife.
I went to buy solar lights to hang around pool but the ones I liked were glass and not a good idea if they drop off . Saw some nice decorative plastic ones but they were all either red or green which meant I would have to buy 4 of them then 4 of another style in white so 8 in all. So then I spent 10 mins swapping the tops over. Success. Am I a criminal?
you'll be mixing up your pegs next.
Shaney are you up date with The Americans? It's so good. I thought She was going to kill poor Jackson but for some reason she allowed him to go.

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