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Tuning A Station

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jennyjoan | 21:42 Sat 03rd Mar 2018 | Technology
9 Answers
I have both Sky and Freeview. There is a station I would like I think it is NTV - it's a Belfast channel.

This channel came in by itself on my upstairs TV but not into downstairs.

I have a Samsung - so how could I go about it. Thanks


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Thanks for that Mamy - will try that - the only thing is when I sorta do a rescan - will it change all the other channel numbers that I am used to.
I really can't answer that JJ - best wait till someone comes on who knows.
Question Author
that's ok Mamy
Rescanning won't change your channel numbers.

NVTV (Northern Visions TV) should show up on channel 7. Schedule here:
Remember that when you retune you should NOT select an 'add channels' option (if one is offered to you). You need to tell your TV to do a 'start from scratch' scan, as explained here:
Unless things have changed, rescanning might change numbers. I've not experienced it for a long time now but I recall when I used to add channels, rather than start from scratch, channels used to be in unexpected places, and a subsequent rescan would change them back to where they were intended to be.
Question Author
thanks - will try and rescan later
A few channels have changed numbers recently. BBC4 and BBC News on standard definition spring to mind.

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