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Retrieve Icloud Password

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telboy1938 | 15:07 Thu 05th Jul 2018 | Technology
14 Answers
My Apple I/D and password are fine on my iPad but I am persistently asked for a password for my iCloud a/c which has a strange I/D ( not chosen by me). I have tried many ways (suggested by the web) to either find the password or create a temporary one but unsuccessful. Calls to Apple have been a waste of time. I get no call-back as promised, only an email to say they were unsuccessful trying to phone me., Desperately need your help.


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Your iCloud id is your AppleId so not quite sure what the problem could be
Question Author
My Apple I/D ends and my iCloud ends I’m continuously asked for the iCloud
Password and no matter how many I have tried, none
were successful.
That's your icloud email address and not your apple id unless you have two apple IDs. If you don't use it for anything then go to accounts, click on the icloud one scroll down to the bottom and sign out of it....either that or go to icloud online and go through the password recovery process.
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Don’t have 2 a/c’s.. can’t find where the accounts page is in order to delete the unwanted. More advice please.
go to settings, accounts and passwords. Does anyone else have access to your ipad?
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No, The problem is with an iPad Air which I purchased for her and transferred all from her old iPad via iTunes
Possibly should have done a new installation.
Yes. I think a factory reset is your way forward
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I now find I cannot Return to Factory settings without entering the password of this unknown iCloud address. Is there any way to force a Factory reset? It’s a new iPad but can’t return it to supplier as it has personal files etc loaded. HELP.
You could take it to an Apple shop. They’re very helpful.
can you go to settings as I suggested and sign out of the strange address, you shouldn't need the password for that.
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Unfortunately I am asked for a password which I do not know nor am I given an opportunity to get a new one. It’s not advisable to leave it with a dealer as it contains personal details.
if you take it to an Apple store. they may be able to help, but you will need some kind of proof of purchase...I can't see them helping people to get into kit that the can't prove a right to.
have you got access to a computer? have you tried this hard reset?

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