Everyone should have Irfanview on their computer. At its most basic it's a great image viewing program, which is vastly better than what comes with Windows. However its got some excellent image-editing tools 'under the bonnet' if you explore a bit:
I'm not too sure about exactly what it is that you're trying to achieve but I'll offer you a couple of starting points for working with Irfanview:
To select and crop part of an image, simply click-&-drag a rectangle around the relevant area and press Ctrl and Y together. (Alternatively go to Edit > Crop Selection)
To open up the resizing options, press Ctrl and R together. (Alternatively go to Image > Resize/Resample). You might need to play around with the options there to find what best meets your needs, although just selecting one of the standard size options offered is usually good enough for my needs. (Note that clicking on 'New Size' gives you a bigger list of standard sizes than the one which you see initially).