I appreciate that to you this is as obvious as ABC, but trust me, I honestly do not understand the information I am receiving - my fault not yours, but thanks again for your patience.
this may be inadequate to your needs, but I just keep all mine in a folder in My Music, and they can be viewed in various ways, including alphabetically, like so:
Old_Geezer - // Worst comes to worst, there's probably a YouTube video that goes through it. There usually is for everything. //
I've tried those, but they honestly assume a level of expertise than I simply do not have!
Like when I was teaching my wife to drive, I couldn't understand how she revved every time she changed gear. Obvious, she wasn't taking her foot off the accelerator - except that was only obvious to me!
OK, do you know how to get to Windows Explorer, i.e. the place where you see folder names on the left like Documents, Downloads, Libraries etc and, when you click on one of them, you see a listing of the files it contains on the right?
If so, open that without the memory stick attached, then insert the stick and watch what happens. The new folder / drive letter or whatever is the name of your memory stick or, at the very least, its location.
Use Windows explorer to navigate to the drive and or folder that your mp3 files are located.
In the address bar type cmd and press enter. That should open a DOS box in the correct location
In the DOS box type or copy
Close the DOS box. You should find a text file in the folder list.txt
If you followed the instructions the file should be in the same directory/folder as the tunes.
Are you familiar with changing how you view the files in a folder? Switch to DETAILS view then click on the NAME heading and they will sort by name order, click on DATE will change them to oldest-newest or if you click it again it will be newest-oldest.
Try doing the DATE method and your file should appear at the top or bottom.
OK, big thanks to everyone once again for your patience, and double big thanks to Tuvok, I have found my text using your method, and it was about a hundred times easier than any of the YouTube instruction videos I tried!!!!